A Study on the Community Revitalization of Rental Housing for Consumers-Focusing on ‘Dojeonsook’-
林 明燮(韓国外国語大学校大学院 グローバル文化コンテンツ学科)
This study was intended to summarize the characteristics of the community of custom-built rental houses for the users and to draw up measures to revitalize the community in Korea's ‘Dojeonsuk’ case. First, I looked at how the characteristics of the community in traditional and modern societies can be applied to custom-built rental houses for demanders. Second, the community in rental housing customized for consumers will develop into a residential means that can have self-reliance by creating autonomous and voluntary resident regulations for living. Third, it is believed that locality and community play a role compared to other general-buy rental houses because they lead a communal life on their own. Fourth, customized rental housing for consumers will continue each generation in unit housing and aims to become a ‘small network-type community’ such as the creation of community spaces and voluntary solidarity to spread the community housing culture living with neighbors. Fifth, it was noted that the characteristics of the owners of custom-built rental houses vary depending on the example. Finally, it was noted that the direction of customized rental housing had both a ‘private’ and ‘public’ nature. In addition to improving the quality of life for residents, development will be possible as an organization that can create common interests when communities of residents are linked to communities. Through this consideration, the study derived the fact that the community of custom-built housing for consumers is ‘a community organization with the ability to improve the quality of life and create the interests of the community as a residential association to solve common problems, although housing may vary in character and social relevance depending on the purpose of housing.’ It then analyzed the background of ‘Dojeonsuk’, the roles of the drivers, and the status of supply by local governments to examine what factors exist for revitalizing the ‘Dojeonsuk’ community. As elements of community revitalization in ‘Dojeonsuk’ they have derived programs to create community spaces, residents’ awareness of the community, and community revitalization.
2.Sustainble ‘Dojeonsuk’ Community Revitalization Measures
Through on research, sustainable ‘Dojeonsuk’ community revitalization measures were presented in terms of space, management, operation, and policy.
First, it proposed to create a community space for ‘Dojeonsuk’ from a spatial perspective, making it a meeting place for people in the same industry, a space that can provide comfort, and facilities for the activities of residents. The custom rental housing for demanders acts as a very important factor in the planning of space, and the residents' identity will be strengthened according to the level of reflection. However, due to the nature of the purchased rental housing, residents will use the planned space and feel a lack of public space through real life. Therefore, space should be created by predicting and considering the life style or utilization of the demand layer during the planning phase. In essence, it is necessary to aim to create a space that is easy to exchange between generations and can be naturally gathered rather than creating a space that is customized for complete users. Therefore, creating a community space for ‘Dojeonsuk’ should have the following factors: First, it should be a space that can be used as a meeting place, such as seminars and events by operators, start-ups and prospective startups. Second, they should be able to give them the comfort to share and share their ideas frequently. Third, it should be created as a space with the necessary facilities to carry out community activity programs as well as meetings. The community space of ‘Dojeonsuk’ is now a mixture of all characteristics except the above creative space. Therefore, people who use space feel that it is not a space inside the house but a space of others. This shows the lack of composition of the remaining public spaces, which have been prioritized by residents of the demand bracket. It should be recognized that not only can the community be revitalized, but it can also weaken the nature of the ‘Dojeonsuk’ itself to support start-ups.
In terms of management and operation, emphasized the initial steps in forming a community that formed a consensus among residents, in that the improvement of exchange among tenants increase residential satisfaction and the improvement of residential satisfaction serves as an opportunity to deepen attachment to the area, while also proposing communication with the community as a focal point. A one-person (preparative) startup that is subject to a state move can be seen as having three major advantages when join to ‘Dojeonsuk’. The first is cost-cutting through cheap rent, and the second is various support programs offered by the Small and Medium Business Administration and municipalities. Finally, the third is the enhancement of business capacity through exchange and communication between tenants. Not only advice on business, but also conditions are in place to complement the start-ups to bear fruit through exchange of ideas and active exchanges. Rent and support programs can be fully felt and benefited through public policy, but networking among tenants inevitably results from a voluntary attitude. The community activities where residents of ‘Dojeonsuk’ can participate most easily and without burdens are also considered by the residents’ council. Once a month, a meeting is held in a semi-discussion format, sharing inconveniences, difficulties, suggestions, etc. about community spaces, etc. Therefore, the community of ‘Dojeonsuk’ should actively discuss basic life as well as formulating a consensus through the field of communication and exchange between the two. In addition, while the direction of policy or the nature of public interest in planning may be evaluated positively, the possibility that these activities may be considered only for local residents rather than ‘for’ activities should be considered. Therefore, it is important to indirectly improve the community of ‘Dojeonsuk’ to the community, not directly. Although the purpose of the project is to help start-ups focus their time and capital, it can be burdensome for residents in the name of contributions to the community.
In term of policy perspective, the government proposed specialization of support programs and establishment and operation of intermediate management organizations that fit the characteristics of residents, and proposed links with social enterprises in this measure. municipalities should consult with organizations and institutions that can link to local specialised industries to devise ways to support the program. Support for substantial growth rather than simple housing supply policies will only develop into sustainable and effective policies if support programs related to the concept of each house are prepared with clear understanding of each house. Measures to supplement this include the establishment or operation of an intermediate support organization. A social enterprise is a business that tries to solve social problems. Social enterprises, which must satisfy both social values and revenue generation, easily face a variety of realistic problems. Social enterprises begin by paying attention to community breakdown and social issues. To set goals for each recognized social problem, to pursue opportunities for creating and sustaining social values. In this regard, if social enterprises act as intermediate management organizations between the public and residents, they will be able to secure both the detail and continuity of post-management. social enterprises will be able to recognize their competence and build a foundation within the region by conducting public sector projects.
This study was intended to provide basic research data on ‘Dojeonsuk’ through the case analysis of ‘Dojeonsuk’ for customized rental housing for users, while presenting elements and measures for revitalizing the community. In the course of the research, the background, type and status of rental housing customized for the users were investigated, and the differentiation was revealed from the existing rental housing, and a plan was presented to promote the community of ‘Dojeonsuk’ after analyzing the status of supply and implementation players by region. it is confirmed that the customized rental housing policy reflected the characteristics of the users in terms of housing supply as well as housing welfare services. Other aspects, however, point to the need for improvement in non-economic factors such as quality of life and housing satisfaction. Meanwhile, given that the ‘Dojeonsuk’ project is currently under way, data that are processed privately by local governments, SH Corporation, and Small and Medium Business Administration have been difficult to secure, leaving the limit of the failure to proceed with the exact transfer survey method.
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