What is "Nichi-Nichi"?

The Research of Japanese Animation Famale Characters-Based on <Full Metal Alchemist>-

楊 潇航(韓国外国語大学校大学院 グローバル文化コンテンツ学科)


Gender issue is a long-standing social problem all over the world. With the passage of time and the development of the feminist movement, the consciousness of gender equality has been gradually developed. While gender issues are visible in a variety of fields, they are particularly evident in the field of animation that debuted in the 20th century. With the advent of the 21st century, through the observation of female characters in many animation works, we can understand the changing process of the public's understanding of gender issues.

In this study, the female characters in the popular Japanese animation<Full Metal Alchemist> were analyzed. In order to carry out the research, we should first understand the story content of the work, and then analyze the content centering on each female character.

1.Research Background

The story and character design in the animation reflects not only the intention of the producer, but also the ideology of a country and a society. The audience for the animation works is mostly young people. As they watch, they are often fascinated by the characters. The ideology contained in the works plays a very important role in the formation of their self-cognition of gender. Stereotypes about gender often directly affect the audience. The female characters in the works often can reflect some gender issues. Therefore, it is necessary to design female characters carefully. Although there is a sense of gender equality in many of today's roles, there are still many signs of gender inequality[1].

Gender issues can be easily found in the iconic American cultural industry, Disney animation. Disney animation has a huge audience around the world. As the representative of the highest level of animation in the world, often convey American values to the whole world. From the observation of the early works, it can be seen that characters often distinguish their personalities and identities by gender. Through the observation of the early female characters, the most impressive thing is their effeminate and weak image in the works. Often seen as helpers of male characters, people tend to focus more on their physical appearance than on their actions and abilities. In the last century, Snow White, an animation based on Grimm's fairy tales, was regarded as the representative work of the world's first animated films take this as an example, Female characters in that period always depended on men and waited for their rescue passively[2].

Not only Disney, but also Japanese animation has a lot of sexism. For example, in the animation works created under the influence of patriarchal society, it is easy to see the fixed something given to female characters. Especially in the very popular science fantasy-themed animations (in the case of Gundam and the Cowboy Bebop), the female characters often do not highlight their overall personality, but often act as the male protagonist and the auxiliary role of the story. With the change of The Times, the feminist movement and the awareness of equality between men and women are gradually rising all over the world. The characteristics of female characters in animation have also changed with the progress of The Times After studying the changes of female characters, will take the main female characters in the production of <Full Metal Alchemist2009> as the object and analyze the content of the story around them.

<Full Metal Alchemist>This production is Square Enix company's cartoon magazine issue of 《月刊少年ガンガン》 serial comics. The author of this animation is 荒川弘.The comic became so popular after it was serialized that it produced its own animation and movie. The initial 2003 edition was decided to be produced when the original comic strip was serialized. From the beginning to the middle is based on the original comic book content. From the middle to the end, it's a new script that's different from the original comic book. In the 2009 edition of the production, the beginning to the end is entirely based on the original story.

[1] 전영빈-. Ulsan University Master Dissertation. p.vii

[2] 이화정.<크리티컬 리터러시를 활용한 디즈니 의 시대적 변용 분석-외모 및 인종, 젠더, 계층의 변화 양상을 중심으로-> Korea University Master Dissertation. 2018.p.14

2.Previous Research

“the gender issues of female characters in animation works and the previous studies”were reviewed.

In 이화정(2018)’[3] s research, The cultural critical theory was used to analyze the relationship among appearance, race, gender and class of the characters in ,a famous animation of Disney in 1991.

As a researcher and cultural critic of animated films, 刘宏宇[4] (2004)has studied many American animations. This study is divided into two directions of cultural differences (ethnic differences) and gender differences. By using the obvious parts and the implicit parts of those characters in American animation productions, the social problems were analyzed.

Mia Adessa Towbin as an American scholar of education, he analyzed the fixed representations of different characters in dozens of Disney productions. For example, the male protagonist is usually brave and responsible. But the heroine is often valued more for her looks than for her talent.

In order to study the characteristics of gender, sort out and explain some terms similar to gender.

[3] Footnote 2

[4] 刘宏宇 消失的背后—美国动画形象中的种族和性别表现问题. 北京电影学院学报 2004

1 sex Genetics, hormones, complex interactions between the environment and activities that result in loop-back effects between the body and society, male, female, and intersex are used to refer to sex.
2 gender The role of parents and office workers, and through the social process of personal identity in the relationship between women and men, Gender segregation and role are inherent in major social systems, such as the economy, family, state, culture, religion, and law, which is a sexist social order. Women and men are used to refer to genders
3 sexuality Strong desires, emotional interventions and fantasies that occur in intimate relationships, homosexuality, heterosexuality and bisexuality are used to refer to sexuality. Although sexuality is mentioned in the sense of sexuality, sex goes beyond the dimension of desire and includes not only human sexual behavior, but also emotions, values, understanding, dreams, actions, fantasy and sexuality

Source:전영빈-디즈니 애니메이션에 나타난 젠더 특성에 관한 연구.Ulsan University Master Dissertation. P.4

3.Analysis of female roles

<Full Metal Alchemist>This production both the 2003 edition and the 2009 edition were highly rated. The ornate battle scenes and very reasonable worldview are the reasons why many audiences choose this production. But The female characters in the work are also very noteworthy, More attractive than the female characters in previous productions. The awareness of equality between men and women is increasing year by year, and the female characters in the 2009 edition are more comprehensive than those in the 2003 edition, From this point of view, we will analyze how the design of female characters in the work is realized through the story.

Winry Rockbell:
She is the Protagonist's childhood friend. The character first appears when the Protagonist Edward Elric returns to his hometown to fix a broken robotic arm. After that, she returned to the city with Edward and experienced various adventures. She believes in the Protagonist Edward unconditionally, waiting for him and preparing a place for him to rest when he returns. In this way, she is not different from the traditional female image.But But from another point of view, she is not just waiting for the protagonist, she also has her own favorite and good at things. A female character who is a very important helper for the protagonist. A female character who is a very important helper for the protagonist.

Izumi Curtis:
The role of the master who taught childhood Edward brother alchemy. When they first met, the dam in the village of Edward brothers was destroyed by a flood. But she fixed the dam with alchemy. Edward, who had seen her use alchemy to repair the dam in an instant, begged her to teach alchemy. Although at first she refused, but because of Edward brothers eager eyes she accept them as apprentices. To exercise their alchemy and flesh, they were given only a short sword and left on a deserted island. Although she was usually very strict with the Edward brothers, she occasionally showed a gentle and kind side. To them Izumi Curtis was not only their teacher, but also their second mother.

Her husband was a big, quiet man. But she was stronger than her husband, who often took care of her and acted as her facilitator.

Olivier Armstrong:
She is the head of the guard northern command. As she looks, she is a very powerful woman. Although she did not know how to use alchemy, her rise to the top of the northern command showed that she was a very capable woman. Since she took office, the borders have never been invaded by an imperial army. Her fans and followers often called her the queen. Fighting force is very stronger more then she's brother , is the most powerful person in the family. Although her temper is very hot, but from 이슈발 refugees as their own subordinates, and occasionally caring for her weak character brother can be seen in her kind and gentle side. It's a very well-rounded female character.

The only female villain to appear in this production. She has a sexy body and beautiful appearance, is a typical beauty image. With her own beauty and excellent intelligence ability can easily access men to obtain information. As the sidekick of the biggest villain, she has accomplished many outstanding tasks, and is a very comprehensive female character with personality characteristics.

Riza hawkeye:
She is the roy mastan colonel's first lieutenant. Her shooting skills are excellent as a sniper. She is a female soldier with a cool head, good judgment and excellent fighting ability.


In this study, I paid attention to female characters in popular animations, Through the description and analysis of the female characters in the work of the<Full Metal Alchemist>, the characteristics of the female characters of many kinds and personalities can be understood. According to the results of the study, although gender awareness has increased, some gender issues can still be found.

Gender problem as a social problem has existed for a long time. The gender issue contained in the animation has a great influence on the formation of teenagers' self-cognition of sex. What’s more, In order to design more comprehensive personality of female characters and more female characters with self-characteristics, the multifarious and positive characters is the most important thing in the future.


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